Sunday, July 25, 2010

Central de Abasto

The Central de Abasto de la Ciudad de México is a huge wholesale market in the eastern part of Mexico City. When it first opened in the ´80s, nearly 80% of all the food consumed in Mexico passed through the market. These days it is down to about 20-30% due in no small part to the presence of Walmart in Mexico.

I went yesterday with two others, Lily and Vincent. I met Lily, a student at University of Chicago, when she showed up at Alpina wanting to see if there was any room, and ran into again randomly in a teashop in the center of San Angel. Vincent is from France and is staying in the same guesthouse Lily is living in for a couple of weeks.

We started in the seafood section, two longs passages filled with every type of seafood you can image, from fishes of all sizes to octopus to crabs and every part in between. We were overcome by the desire to take pictures, and so we became the strange tourists wandering around a market, a role I think is not often fulfilled. But it was a lot of fun asking the fish sellers if we could take their picture, holding up whatever ware they were selling. At the end of the line we split an octopus empanada, fried goodness with no quite enough octopus.

We wandered over to the other section of the market, probably hundreds of times larger. They sell everything from fruits and vegetables wholesale, to those who sell to normal people (not just by the crate) to meat, to "abarrotes" or stuff basically, and many other things we probably didn't see. We didn't get to the market until about 12pm so we missed the wholesale rush which is said to take place in the early mornings, but the place was still quite overwhelming.

On the way from the fish market to the rest, we stopped at a stand with several fruits we had never seen before. I still don't remember the names, but the woman who owned the stand offered to let us taste one that is kind of like a passionfruit, but small and green, and a root that reminds me of manioc, but likely is not.

In the market, in aisle M, we found $1 peso watermelon for sale. Deciding to buy some, and of course putting chili on top as the Mexicans do (quite good actually...), we struck up a conversation with some of the guys working at the stall. After some pictures, some translation and another free piece of watermelon, we made friends with Enrique, the sandiero (watermelon salesman). So let me know if you ever have a need to buy watermelon in bulk.

We wandered for another hour or so, encountered people selling fruit in bulk, people selling fruit to normal people (instead of by crate, they sell it by kilogram), bought some squash blossoms, smooth avocados, granadas and various types of garlic. We saw pig heads, intestines and other things, got agua frescas (I got passionfruit and strawberry--amazing combination!) and split a huareche with squash blossoms and "corn mushrooms" (huitlacoches), which was great.

We missed the craziness that would be early morning shopping for restaurants, food stands and everyone else, but we still experienced the vastness of the market and had a lot of fun exploring the area. Not many people visit Central de Abasto, but I would highly recommend it. It's fun being the only tourists in a place!

Monday, July 19, 2010

IHTFP- I Have Truly Found Paradise

IHTFP is a phrase from my MIT roots, but I choose to use the secondary meaning in the case. I'll let you know what I mean in a couple of paragraphs.

A couple weeks into my work this summer, I had a meeting with my supervisor and she informed me that the university goes on vacation for the first 3 weeks of July, and that during the middle week, everyone would be taking the week off. Because the price of plane tickets was prohibitively high for anyone to come and visit, I decided to explore a part of Mexico that I have never been to before.

It turned out that the majority of people I work with are actually taking three weeks of vacation, I am working the first and third weeks, and in the middle, I went to Chiapas, a state in the south of Mexico, just north of Guatemala.

I looked into several different transportation options to get to San Cristobal de Las Casas but in the end, I decided to travel the Mexican way, taking a bus from Mexico City to San Cristobal. It is about a 13 hour bus ride, unexpected events aside. Buses are by far the most popular way to travel in Mexico. Go to the bus station and you will see families of all sizes preparing to take buses all over the country, likely to go and visit family they left behind when they came to Mexico City. Mexico City to a huge place with people from everywhere. Very few are truly "Chilangos", but come to Mexico City to find new opportunities.

The bus ride was better than expected- I think all my plane rides last summer (Holland, England, Uganda, Tennessee, Colorado) taught me how to get some semi-decent sleep on moving transportation. The bus ride started out with a film--it ended up being Nim's Island. All the movies on Mexican buses are dubbed, sometimes a bit strange and not always appropriate. The movies I saw on buses ranged from children's films to horror films to strange talking animals. We made a pit stop at about 2am somewhere in Veracruz and getting off the bus was like walking into a sauna. The highs in Mexico City have been around 75 F with rain every afternoon.

All went well until we were about 2 hours from San Cristobal, and a tire blew. There was much running around and people from the bus company hopping in random cars to go and get tools, but after about a half an hour all they had succeeded in doing was picking up giant rocks and driving the blown out tire onto them. A bus came by on its way to Tuxtla Guiterrez, the first stop the bus was supposed to make and took the majority of the passengers who were only going that far. The rest of us had to wait it out. After very little information and much observing, I figured out that the bus that stopped was going to San Cristobal and if you wanted to get on, you just kind of had to go (the bus people didn't say anything....). So other than the breakdown, I managed to get to San Cristobal roughly on time.

San Cristobal de las Casas is a medium-sized, very colorful and quite colonial town. There are a lot of tourists there, which was a big change from Mexico City, but this also meant lots of opportunities to have different kinds of foods. I had the best falafel I have ever had in my life (though I have yet to visit Israel), as well as lots of other good foods.

I managed to find a place to watch the final of the World Cup among many fans from Holland and Spain. It was a great expereience, watching in a bar packed full of people, with the cheers alternating between the Spanish and Dutch fans.

I managed to take a couple of day trips away from San Cristobal, and went to Canon del Sumidero, Oventic (a very interesting autonomous zapatista village-- more on this later) and Palenque. El Canon del Sumidero was a nice canyon about 2 hours from San Cristobal. We saw crocodiles (which the little French kids behind me were very excited about) and some nice waterfalls. Oventic was fascinating and definitely one of the most interesting things I've done. Palenque had some beautiful ruins, but I wish I had more time to explore. Unfortunately on that trip it was me and a Mexican family of 14 in our van, and they were more interested in the two waterfalls we visited before the ruins than the ruins itself.

The beauty that is Chiapas is breathtaking-- the mountains and valleys are all covered with lush green forest (making it the perfect spot for the rebel zapatistas), and the color is gorgeous. Every time I left San Cristobal, I was amazed at the beauty of the region.

Monday, July 5, 2010

3 years back

So today is the three year anniversary of my flight back to the US from the Czech Republic. It is amazing to think that it has been that long, and what has happened in the time since then.

Going on exchange and going to the Czech Republic taught me so much. I can't fathom what my life would be like if I hadn't gone. I don't think I would be at MIT; I definitely wouldn't be the person I am today. It was the most difficult thing I have done in my life, and I'm not sure I could do it again based on what I have learned since then and who I have become, but I am eternally grateful that I went and did have the experiences I did, even if it was a "perfect" exchange.

When I came back, I wanted to see the world, and thanks to MIT, I have had great opportunities to do so. I have been to Holland, England, Brazil, Uganda and Mexico and each experience has taught me something different. I still want to see the world, and go to places where most people don't have an opportunity to go, but working here in Mexico, however, I'm starting to realize that I think I would like to work based in the US, which isn't something I had really thought I wanted before.

The work environment is very different, and the language barrier is evident. Even though I can get around in Spanish, understand about 50% of the presentations that are given, and communicate with my co-workers in Spanish, I still am not comfortable. I know time helps with language, but it is more than that. I think I value a very diverse environment, and a place where people are very open to different opinions and voicing them. I'm not sure that is the case here. It has been a great experience, and I like the project I am working on, but I don't think I would want to immerse myself in one culture forever.

I'm also realizing that in the past 4 years, I have only lived one year at home in Colorado. I have realized this before, but now it is really hitting me that I can't really call Colorado my home anymore. It is my home in the fact that the house I grew up in is there, and my parents are there, but I don't know when, if ever, I will really live there again. I have spent, I think, a grand total of 5-6 weeks at home since I started college about 96 weeks ago. I love MIT, but being here in Mexico, away from all the people I know well and who know me well, has led me on this train of thought again.

I have no idea what the future will bring. Recently I have been accepting that I do not want to be an engineer, something that has been hard to accept. I have always thought I wanted to do engineering since I was little, but I'm realizing that although I like learning about engineering and how things work, I do not want to be the one designing things, or focusing my sights on only on project, a small part of a larger system. It is not where my talents will be best used, and I don't think I would be happy working on a technical system.

I have been looking into urban planning over the past few weeks, an area I have always been really interested in (cities are incredible) but never thought would be a viable career option. I am starting to realize that it may be.

The past three years have been an incredibly eye-opening experience, and changed my life the way that people always say college will. I was incredibly stubborn going in, knowing exactly what I wanted to do, but now I feel like I don't really know. I know what I like and what I don't, I am starting to realize what I want out of life, but there are so many options, so many paths and if the experiences I have in the past are any indicator, each thing I do from here will shape my interests and goals. I hope I have started to find a path I can go down and follow from here, but one can never be sure.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Mi Trabajo

So I realize I haven't actually mentioned the reason I'm actually in Mexico yet. The concept of my work is really interesting, but it is coming along at a snail's pace. But at this point, I have produced something I am quite proud of, and so hopefully it will all work out!

I am working in the Institute of Engineering at UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) in Mexico City. My project is to develop a model to assess the relative vulnerability of the different neighborhoods in Mexico City to climate change. Basically that means I did a lot of reading (in English and Spanish) and now am playing around with MATLAB to be followed by a fair amount of writing.

It has been a bit frustrating so far because Mexicans seem to work on a bit of a different time table, so I have been waiting almost 2 weeks for comments on a two page list of vulnerability indicators I sent to my supervisor and the other woman working on the project. I finally received a reply, but still have no real data.

I have been working on writing the MATLAB code in order to do the vulnerability ranking. Although we learned MATLAB in 1.020 last semester, most of our projects were pretty guided by the examples we did in class. This is the first time I have really had to produce my own code from scratch, and not have anyone to help me debug it. It was a bit daunting at first, but I have learned that if I just think it through, I can figure out where the problem lies.

That is about 1/3 of my code I have so far, nicely commented, and fully functional (at least with a table full of zeros...). Hopefully it will work when I get real data as well, but so far, I've managed to debug it by myself. There's no telling when I will actually be getting the data I need, but I'm pretty happy with what I have been able to do so far, and the fact that it works.