Friday, June 4, 2010


So over the past two weeks I have been noticing some things about Mexico and Mexico City, and I thought I would share. I will probably update with more "Observation" posts as the summer goes on.

1) People here are short (for the most part). I noticed this most when I was in the metro going to check out a bookstore cafe someone recommended to me. During rush hour they have women-and-child only cars in the metro and the metrobus (a bus with a dedicated lane that runs on two of the busiest streets). I was in one of these in the metro, and it was packed, absolutely packed and I was standing up. I was by a head the tallest person in the car, no exception. I have yet to see a Mexican woman who is as tall as I am (not wearing heels). It's not just women either, the majority of men are rarely as tall as I am.

2) The university has a campaign for "igualdad entre hombres y mujeres" which seems to be the unversity's fight against machisimo. It is really interesting to see posters around the campus saying that women can study what they want, and that there should not be violence against women.

3) The previous in a way leads into this observation. There are so many couples here and it is certainly more evident than in the US. Everywhere you go, it is always pairs on benches, lying in the grass, on buses etc. Someone mentioned to me that it is because Mexican girls always want to have a boyfriend, so the boys oblige, but many times are not faithful, which I think is something that stems from machismo. I haven't heard another side of it, but it is interesting to see.

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