Monday, June 28, 2010

World Cup

Mexico's run in the World Cup ended yesterday, but I'm pretty sure that soccer will still grip the country until the end of the tournament on July 11th.

Nonetheless, the Mexicans put up a good showing of support yesterday in the Zocalo, the main square of Mexico City, where I watched the game with 8 other people I knew and probably 3000+ of our closest friends.

So this was when we were able to get really close to the screen....

To get a better idea of the size of the event, check out this video:

This shows about half of the actual square of the Zocalo, and then there were three additional screens set up outside of the square, on the streets.

Me with some of the other girls from Alpina--(front row from left) Louise (England), Nadhirah (Singapore), Amy (US), Ruth (US)

The approach into the Zocalo

There were people of all ages, from small children to the older folk, cheering on their team, and booing Argentina for each subsequent goal. The first goal, when Argentina was offsides, elicited a group chant of "Puto, puto".

People started leaving at about the 75 minute mark, and I was surprised at the lack of follow through support. But I guess they just wanted to beat the crowds out. I've been told that the scene can amount to rioting when the Mexicans win, so in a way I'm glad they did not, though it would have been fun.

One of the news channels (mic said Fox Sports) started interviewing people around us towards the end of the game. It seems that the more versions of the Mexican flag you are wearing, the greater chance you have to be interviewed. After the game there were also large groups of people congregated around cameras, singing, chanting and jumping in order to get on TV.

Being in Mexico, and watching the Mexico games alongside them, as well as other games that happen to be on during lunch, has left me with a newfound appreciation for the sport of soccer, though a bit baffled at the over-exaggeration of injury.

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